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Together, we’re winning policy changes that will start making health care more affordable in Washington.

Policy Successes

Increasing Oversight to Lower Health Care Costs 

With significant support during the legislative session from Fair Health Prices WA allies, this bill passed the legislature and was signed into law by Governor Jay Inslee on March 14, 2024. The new law makes several improvements to the state’s existing Health Care Cost Transparency Board (Board), charged with setting a statewide health care spending benchmark. It requires the Board to add new members to its advisory committee to represent the interests of consumers, insurer/payers, and labor, and in developing the state benchmark, the Board must now:

  • analyze the impact of cost drivers on health care spending;
  • consider provider and payer profits, assets, accumulated surpluses, reservices, and investment income; and
  • factor in utilization trends and demographic changes.

Improve Ground Ambulance Billing Practices

A new law prohibiting “surprise” balance billing by ground ambulance companies passed the Washington legislature by a near unanimous vote and was signed by Governor Inslee on March 19, 2024. This law removed a loophole that allowed ground ambulances to go after patients for the difference between the ambulance charges and what their insurance covered. An Office of the Insurance Commissioner Workgroup found that the average balance bill for an ambulance was $500 for emergencies and $1,000 for non-emergencies. Under the new law, ambulance companies are restricted in how much they can charge and patients only have to pay what their insurance requires, such as a copy or deductible.

  • Washington is the 16th state to pass a law banning ground ambulance bills and limiting the amount that can be charged. More states are adding protections against big ambulance bills, Axios, March 27, 2024.
  • In 2022, the legislature directed the Office of the Insurance Commissioner to convene a work group to recommend how to prevent surprise bills for ground ambulance services. The work group’s report issued in October 2023 includes several recommendations that are included in this bill.

Supporting Frontline health care workers

WA Safe and Healthy passed! It requires hospitals to implement Nurse Staffing Committees to establish and oversee annual staffing plans, adhere to meal and rest break requirements, and restrict mandatory overtime limits, and includes penalties for violations. It was a significant achievement for frontline health care workers and advocates who supported this legislation for several years prior to its 2023 passage.