High prices for health care are making Washingtonians sick.
Big health industry players like hospital chains, insurance and drug companies are forcing patients to choose between going into debt or going without the care they need.
High and unpredictable costs of health care are driving thousands of Washingtonians to go uninsured, skip treatment and cut medication doses.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.
Welcome to Fair Health Prices Washington — we’re glad you’re here!
Fair Health Prices Washington is a state-specific nonprofit advocacy project that is unrelated to FAIR Health, Inc.
How do high health care costs impact Washington residents?
The Problem

Our health care system has been broken for too long. We spend more on health care than any other nation and we have the worst outcomes and access. People are suffering because they can’t afford the cost of going to the doctor or filling their prescription. We want to change that with policy solutions that will make the health care system work better for all Washingtonians.
Why It Matters
When you share your experience with high health care costs and medical debt, you help policymakers and legislators understand why they need to act now. Washington residents are suffering because they can’t afford to get the health care they need.
9 out of 10
worry about being able to afford health care.
More than Half
delay getting care or reduce their medications because of cost.
3 in 10
are carrying medical debt because they got the health care they needed.
Share why high health care prices matter to you.
The Solutions
New data is helping us understand what’s driving health care spending, including the prices charged by certain large hospital systems, providers, and pharmaceutical suppliers. Fair Health Prices Washington is a partnership of patient groups, advocacy organizations, business leaders, and labor unions working together to make change with a range of data-driven policy options. With your help, we can lower health care prices.