Fair Health Prices Washington is an effort by patients, workers, and employers to take on the high cost of health care with proven data-driven policy solutions.
These problems aren’t going to fix themselves.
The cost to fill a prescription rose by 15% in just a few years.
More than half of Washingtonians struggle to afford health care.
Washington state hospital expenses are the 3rd highest in the country.
Insurance premiums and deductibles go up every year.
Health care prices are out of control. There is something deeply wrong when patients must choose between going to the doctor and paying for basic needs like food and rent, small business owners struggle to pay escalating health care costs, and our state resources are stretched thin. Until we take on health care spending, the cost to patients, workers, and employers will continue to spiral.
Clearly no single answer can solve our health care system’s problems. But there are new resources that can help us understand the causes of the high health care spending. We know where high prices come from–unchecked mergers and corporate consolidations, unfair contract negotiation practices, and big health industry players like hospital chains, insurers, and drug companies exploiting their power.
Knowing what is at the root of health care costs can help us come up with solutions. That’s why patient and consumer groups, businesses, and labor union members are joining forces to support legislation to bring our health care spending under control. We are working together to support a range of sound, data-driven policy solutions so we can make health care more affordable.
We Are Fair Health Prices Washington And We Want To:
Stop Unfair Medical Bills
Slow Coporate Influence
Improve Price Transparency
Tackle High Prices
Read our latest news and how to join us.
Meet Some Of Our Supporters:

Support does not reflect endorsement of all policy proposals.